Funding Boost For Pembrokeshire Care Society.
Pembrokeshire Care Society has received £19,980 from Postcode Community Trust, a grant-giving charity funded entirely by players of People’s Postcode Lottery.
The Society’s Managing Director, Michael Hooper welcomed the funding boost as it will enable Pembrokeshire Care Society to provide mental health support for vulnerable people in crisis and offer preventative measures for self-harm and suicide prevention.
There is a proven link between poor mental health being a cause that leads to homelessness, as well as experiencing homelessness leading to poor mental health. We aim to address both these issues through this project.
This funding will allow the Pembrokeshire Care Society to provide specialist support to those most vulnerable with mental health counsellors delivering up to six counselling sessions as a form of crisis intervention.
Staff at Pembrokeshire Care Society are very grateful for this generous support from the Postcode Community Trust. It will provide an opportunity for all staff to shadow the counsellors, to further develop their own Mental Health knowledge. This will have a positive knock-on benefit for over one thousand service users leading to increased psychological development for all.
With improved mental health, our clients will be able to successfully sustain their tenancies and develop necessary resilience if they are already homeless.